April 2, 1864. Confederate cavalrymen under Brig. Gen. J.O. Shelby attacked Steele's supply wagons near Terre Noire Creek but were repulsed.
The Route
▷ We previously began at Arkadelphia and Clark County, ending in the Clark County community of Hollywood, Arkansas, which is our starting point.
▷ Arkansas 26 at Arkansas 52, Hollywood ARContinue westward on Arkansas 26 for 2.6 miles to Terre Noire Creek, the approximate location where the battle began.
▷ Terre Noire Creek, Clark Co ARContinue another 1.65 miles westward on Highway 26 to Halfway Cemetery Road (on the left, south side).
▷ Arkansas 26 at Clark County 269/Halfway Cemetery RdTurn left (southward) onto the gravel road for 0.1 miles to the cemetery.
▷ Halfway Cemetery, Clark County ARThis is where the Union Army passed. Halfway was a small community half way between Hollywood and Antoine in Pike County. Little remains now but the cemetery. Return to Arkansas 26.
▷ Clark County 269/Halfway Cemetery Road at Arkansas 26 WTurn left (westward) onto Arkansas 26 and travel 2.3 miles to Clark County 458, the other portion of Halfway Road.
▷ Arkansas 26 / Clark County 458 Junction, Clark County ARTurn left (southeastward) on Clark 458 for 1.4 miles.
▷ Smyrna United Methodist Church, Halfway Road/Clark County 458, Clark County ARSmyrna United Methodist Church is on the left (east). Return the 1.4 miles to Arkansas 26.
▷ Clark County 458 / Arkansas 26 Junction, Clark County ARTurn right (eastward) and travel about 5.1 miles, passing the Halfway Cemetery Road and crossing Terre Noire Creek along the way.
▷ Arkansas 26 at Davidson Campground Road/Clark County 11Turn right (southward) on Clark County Road 11/Davidson Campground Road. Travel 1.1 miles to the campground.
▷ Davidson Campground, Clark County ARUnion and Confederate troops skirmished at what is now Davidson Campground. Return 1.1 miles to Highway 26.
▷ Davidson Campground Rd/Clark County 11 at Arkansas 26, Clark Co ARTurn right (eastward) onto Arkansas 26 and travel 1.4 miles to Hollywood.
▷ Arkansas 26 at Arkansas 53, Hollywood ARArrive at the Arkansas 26/Arkansas 53 junction.
▷ This brings us to the next point of interest, Okolona / Battle of the Bees.
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This brings us to the next point of interest, Okolona / Battle of the Bees.
Hollywood and Terre Noire Creek
The skirmishing continued as the Union Army advanced until a more serious conflict took place about a mile east of Terre Noire Creek around noon on April 2. Shelby attacked a Union supply train of about 200 wagons with a cavalry force of about 1,200 men. Units from Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin fought through the afternoon and evening to repel the Confederate forces with attacks and by setting up defensive positions with artillery on hilltops. The Confederates fell back at dark and the fighting ceased The train was able to move along, and the Union forces defending it reached their encampment at Okolona about 10PM.

Skirmishing occurred at Halfway. Today only the cemetery remains. Among the people buried in the cemetery are members of the Hignight family. Abner Hignight was an early settler in Clark County and had one of the earliest land patents in the county. He and other early settlers bought land from the federal government and received their patents on December 5, 1823.
Photo by Peggy Lloyd
Davidson Campground in Clark County

Campgrounds existed throughout Arkansas before and after the Civil War and into the early decades of the twentieth century. Now they are rare and the few remaining ones are in south Arkansas. Davidson Campground is the largest and best known in the state and one of the largest in the United States. It is connected to the United Methodist Church and was founded in 1884. The campground holds a ten-day religious revival in July every year. Participants stay in about 100 existing cabins or in RVs.
Photo by Peggy Lloyd
Up Next
This brings us to the next point of interest, Okolona / Battle of the Bees.